”Monday was a bloodbath in Puebla, where a total of 12 people were killed in what investigators say was a settling of scores between rival members of Martin’s gang.“He was trying to change his identity with a series of plastic surgery procedures to alter his face and remove his fingerprints so he couldn’t be identified,” prosecutors said in a statement.
Mexico City: A Mexican crime boss was murdered on the operating table as he underwent plastic surgery to change his face and erase his fingerprints, officials in the central city of Puebla said..Puebla is the epicenter of the booming fuel theft racket, which state oil company Pemex estimates has cost it 2.Prosecutors said the hits appeared to have been ordered by another crime boss known as “El Irving” who had the same rank as Martin within the gang.4 billion since 2010.
Three other victims appear to have been passersby caught in the crossfire, investigators said.Martin was wanted by the authorities for allegedly leading a fuel theft ring that illegally taps pipelines to steal gasoline and diesel - a risky but lucrative business that has become Mexico’s second-biggest organized crime problem after drug trafficking.Five were murdered in the village of SHJ-A Weft Feeder Tlaltenango on a farm where authorities found tubes, valves and pumps for illegal pipeline taps, as well as three stolen vehicles.Gunmen burst into the clinic where Jesus “El Kalimba” Martin was undergoing the procedure on Monday afternoon and executed him along with three other people, Puebla state prosecutors said.“The medical personnel involved are also being investigated
Dermatologists measured improvements in the appearance of the faces of a small group of middle-age women after they did half an hour of daily face-toning exercises for eight weeks, followed by alternate-day exercises for another 12 weeks. DVDs cost 24.Alam agrees that his study raises additional research questions, such as whether the exercises would work for men and how much time people need to commit to doing the exercises for them to be optimally effective.
But not all dermatologists are rushing to promote the videos or the exercises.Dermatologists looking at unmarked before-and-after photos saw improvements in upper cheek and lower cheek fullness, and they estimated the average age of women who stuck with the program as significantly younger at the end than at the start. Attempts to do so have been made in the scientific literature with variable levels of scientific rigor. ssuming the findings are confirmed in a larger study, individuals now have a low-cost, non-toxic way for looking younger or to augment other cosmetic or anti-aging treatments they may be seeking. "In fact, the results were stronger than I expected,he said in a phone interview.The exercises enlarge and strengthen facial muscles to firm and tone the face, giving it a younger appearance, he said. It began with two 90-minute muscle resistant facial exercise-training sessions led by co-author Gary Sikorski of Happy Face Yoga in Providence, Rhode Island.ow there is some evidence that facial exercises may improve facial appearance and reduce some visible signs of aging,Alam said.To his toolbox of Botox, fillers and plastic surgery, cosmetic dermatologist Dr.
The results surprised lead author Alam, vice chair and professor of dermatology at Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.Participants included 27 women between ages 40 and 65, though only 16 completed the full course. Louis, Missouri, said the study raises more questions than it answers. He would like to see a larger study.Happy Face sells instructional worksheets promising smoother skin, firmed cheeks and raised eyelids for 19. John Chi, a plastic surgeon and professor at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. The average estimated age dropped almost three years, from nearly 51 years to 48 years.95. Then they practiced at home.
Murad Alam has added a new, low-cost, noninvasive anti-aging treatment: facial yoga.Chi said facial yoga had not been rigorously examined in peer-reviewed scientific studies. he jury is still out on whether or not facial yoga is effective in reversing the signs of aging,he said in an email. Asked if procedures such as facelifts, Botox and fillers had been rigorously examined in peer-reviewed studies, he replied: reat question. really a win-win for patients.Participants also rated themselves as more satisfied with the appearance of their faces at the study end, Alam and colleagues reported in JAMA Dermatology.Dr.Chi, who was not involved with the study, said he would recommend facial yoga to patients who found it relaxing and enjoyable but not water jet loom for the purpose of facial rejuvenation.Participants learned to perform cheek pushups and eye-bag removers, among other exercises. hile the premise of facial exercises to improve the facial appearance or reverse signs of aging is an appealing one, there is little evidence to suggest that there is any benefit in this regard,hhe said
We don’t have control of it,” said Hadi al-Khatib, co-founder of the Syrian Archive, a group founded in 2014 to preserve open source evidence of crimes committed by all sides of the Syrian conflict.Under pressure in Europe and the West to do more to rein in extremist content, YouTube introduced a number of new measures, including machine learning, which trains itself to recognise patterns in enormous numbers of videos and police “objectionable” material, which then is reviewed by human experts to determine if it should be taken down. The group limited access to its YouTube channel since 2014, after the company warned it over graphic content. With a team of six and a budget of $96,000, the Archive is also downloading videos to its own server, an expensive and labour-intensive endeavour. A video last year that was viewed more than 4.Al-Khatib said the group knew the issue will come up one day, given the concerns over proliferation of violent content, and that it was always a “grey area” how long YouTube would handle graphic material.
Activists are rushing to set up alternative archives, but they also recognise nothing can replace YouTube because of its technological infrastructure and global reach.3 million times showed a child covered in blood and dust after surviving an airstrike in Aleppo, as government forces advanced to recapture the city from rebels. Also, YouTube provides activists with personal accounts for free and technological tools to edit, translate and upload anytime — vital for people out in the field in dangerous circumstances taking video of events. Activists say crucial evidence of human rights violations risks being lost — as well as an outlet to the world that is crucial for them.In the Syrian context, that often turned political.Another prominent news platform, the Shaam News Network, has nearly 400,000 videos on its YouTube channel, viewed some 90 million times.Beirut: Syria’s civil war has been one of the modern world’s most brutal conflicts and one of its most heavily filmed. Meanwhile, the machine learning is being tweaked.Activists used YouTube first to report on the peaceful protests that erupted in 2011 against the rule of President Bashar Assad, using videos taken on mobile phones. But about 150,000 videos remain in jeopardy, pending a decision from YouTube, which is still reviewing whether to reinstate them, he said. In the past few months, the tech giant has implemented new policies to remove material considered graphic or supporting terrorism, and hundreds of thousands of videos from the conflict suddenly disappeared without notice.Often, the images were the only thing to grab the world’s attention in an intractable conflict. Supporters and opponents of the Syrian government have waged digital wars reporting each other’s channels or videos, prompting YouTube to close some.
Syrian activists fear all that history could be erased as YouTube moves to rein in violent content. “The risk became very big now and we don’t trust this platform anymore for keeping violations evidence,” Husam AlKatlaby, VDC executive director, said in an email.”“The vast majority of time our reviewers get it right.
“If they take it down, there will be no graphic content but there will be no evidence. But many activists fear a repeat or a permanent loss. But, he said, the best evidence for war crimes can come from videos showing violence, even ones uploaded by the perpetrators with the intent to terrorise, like an execution video. Its founders are prominent activists, including one still missing after being kidnapped by gunmen in Syria.But the closures’ suddenness and breadth stunned those documenting the conflict. Hundreds of thousands of amateur videos uploaded to YouTube document every heartbeat of the war over the past seven years, from momentous events like cities under bombardment to intimate scenes like a father cradling his dead children. “But this is very dangerous, because there is no alternative for YouTube.VDC, registered in Switzerland, has specialised in documenting rights violations since 2011.Working with YouTube, al-Khatib’s group secured the return of about 20 channels, salvaging about 400,000 videos. The shutdowns were chilling for a community that had just celebrated a possible precedent for Syria when the International Criminal Court in August issued an arrest warrant based on video evidence for a Libyan military commander. “We are constantly on the alert,” Altawil said.The Syrian Archive reached out to activists and media groups affected by the removal and contacted YouTube to restore them.But not everyone can afford to go on their own.“There are attempts to finish off the conflict in Syria by any means, including having no coverage or a total blackout on the media by the Syrian Opposition,” said Tala Kharrat, spokesman for Qasioun News Agency, a news platform whose channel was among those shut down and subsequently reopened on appeal. Even more confusing, the channel was reinstated, only to be closed again, then reopened. Militant groups uploaded videos of beheadings.Mizyan Altawil, spokesman for SNN, said his network is no stranger to scrutiny of its content, but this time the shutdown was different, with no prior warning. Many opposition activists already feel the international political world is turning against them as the Syrian government and its allies make major battlefield gains.One prominent Syrian human rights group, the Video and Documentation Centre in Syria, said it will stop using YouTube and will set up its own storage and platform.”.”YouTube, which is owned by Google, says it will correct any videos improperly taken down and that it is in dialogue with the activists on a solution.“It is like we are writing our memories — not in our own book but in a third party’s book. Government supporters uploaded their own imagery and propaganda. Some were convinced the YouTube shutdowns were because of political pressure.
As the conflict got bloody, so did the videos, catching the immediate aftermath of chemical attacks, spectacular aerial bombings, rescuers pulling children from rubble, and new strikes hitting rescuers and survivors.A YouTube spokesperson said the machine learning can remove “a lot of content at a scale.YouTube previously relied in part on a system of community flagging of content deemed inappropriate. In July, its operators found a message saying their channel no longer exists.Based on his database and review of around 900 groups and individuals, al-Khatib said some 180 channels connected to Syria were shut since June, when YouTube began using machine learning protocols to sift through videos on the site for objectionable content. And weft feeder manufacturers when we make mistakes, we act quickly to correct them,” the spokesperson said, speaking on condition of anonymity in line with company regulations. Many videos were lost, including footage of a 2013 chemical attack in a Damascus suburb.“Nothing is lost forever yet,” al-Khatib said, speaking from Berlin.The spokesperson said activists need to improve their data when uploading videos, properly identify them as documenting ights violations and provide context. The group is partially funded by Google through its Digital News Initiative